jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

Halloween Party! Part 2

All of us came with beautiful costumes... Wanna see them?

(Click on the images to enlarge them!)

A witch (Ailén) and a Little Mermaid (Lucía)

A mommy! (Franco)

Death (Gonzalo) and a Witch (Ayelén) A Princess (Martina), a Queen (Ana) , and a Little Mermaid (Lucía)

Death (Stéfano) fighting with a Witch (Miss Dora) - Two Witches (Miss Dora and Miss Soledad) fighting with Death (Stéfano)

Miss Dora and the girls
(from left to right: Ailén, Martina, Lucía, Ayelén, Miss Dora and Ana) (from left to right: Ayelén, Miss Dora, Lucía, Ana, Ailén and Martina)

Death (Joaquín)

Death (Stéfano) A Queen (Ana) A Queen (Ana)and a Princess (Martina)

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